Where I’m Going

I’m in the early stages of tapping on the live side. I’m currently enrolled in the audio engineering certication course at Cuesta College here in San Luis Obispo, California. I am in the middle of the second course of five, and though it has been a bit challenging for me as a low vision person, last week I felt that I’ve mostly crossed that rubicon, where fear was staring at me in the face. I will share more of that soon, except to say that I have gone through it, and I’m feeling better for the experience, with more challenges to come. I thank the instructors, and I thank the students who put up with my fumbling and bumbling, having faith that, eventually, I’ll get it. So far, so good.

The other things that I’ve been doing, is mentoring with a well-known underground music producer whom I’ve first gotten in touch with about two years ago. We are now doing one-on-one mentoring sessions together, and so far the progress has been very pleasing, and fun! It turns out that the seeds that I’ve been planting for years are laying the foundations for what’s to come: actual music releases! Turns out that I have skills, that I have good instincts, that I have knowledge, but enough rough edges that it takes an experienced ear with plenty of music production and DJ experiences, and very similar musical tastes, to help guide me along. I will share more, in time.